Art classes

Take Your Art to the Next Level: Painting, Drawing, and Watercolor Unleashed
Welcome to a world where imagination meets the power of creating with paints, pencils, and watercolors. Whether you’re just starting out or have been creating for a while, we will help you discover new ways to express yourself through painting, drawing, and watercolor. Get ready to dive into a world full of colors, lines, and textures as you embark on an exciting artistic journey.
Art Classes for Kids
Art for Fun
(Ages 4-5) and (Ages 6-10)
This class has been developed to introduce young children to beginning skills and art tools through activity-based studio art. Students will be introduced to drawing, painting, design, watercolors, tempera, acrylic, collage and more. They will develop skills and become comfortable with art tools. Students will also be introduced to color theory and will learn about primary, secondary, cool and warm colors and be given the opportunity to explore, create, and achieve.
Exploration of Art
(Ages 4-5) and (Ages 6-10)
Materials: watercolors, watercolor pencils, acrylic paints, tempera paints, chalk pastels, graphite pencils, palettes, markers, paintbrushes, water cups, paper, canvas.
This Class Explores:
Painting techniques and media
Drawing techniques and media
Character creation and self portraits
Drawing nature and still life
Drawing and painting from imagination
Drawing 101
(Ages 10+)
Materials: graphite pencils, eraser, charcoal, ink, markers, paper, oil pastels or chalk, pastels, colored pencils, micron pens, different types of papers.
This Class Focuses On:
Cartoons and character design
Still-life drawing and 3-D drawing
Animals and portraits
Shading and blending techniques
Creating different perspectives in environmental settings
Exploration of Painting
(Ages 10+)
Materials: paper, watercolor paints, palettes, canvas, acrylic paint, tempera paint, paintbrushes, water cups, smock (oversized t-shirt turned inside out)
This Class Focuses On:
Various painting techniques and mediums
Painting animals, nature/landscapes, people, and still-life
Different styles and eras of painting
Watercolor 101
(Ages 10+)
Materials: watercolor paints (by the tube), palettes, watercolor paper, graphite, pencil, paintbrushes, eraser, watercolor pencils, white gel pen, masking tape, different papers.
This Class Focuses On:
Learning and exploring everything watercolor paints can do
Applying the medium to your personal vision
Glazing method “Layering”
Wet-on-wet method
Salt effects
Water pencil techniques
Blending/gradient techniques
Cartoon 101
(Ages 10+)
Do your kids draw and doodle around the house just for fun? Well, we have the perfect class for them. Cartoon 101 is a FUN group class for the creative artist in your home.
Students will:
Learn how to draw their favorite cartoons and create their own!
Develop the skill to bring the images in their mind to life!
Produce 2D representations of 3D objects and people.
Create a story line with crafted visuals
This class is for ages 10 and up and is especially exciting for middle schoolers, and teenagers. Space in class is limited, so enroll today!
Sculpture 101
(Ages 12+)
Materials: In this class each student will use a variety of materials to create a unique sculpture. If your student is a tactile learner and loves to create objects with their hands, then this is the class for them! Students will use a wide range of materials such as, styrofoam, paper, and plastic utensils.
This Class Focuses On:
Various sculpture terminology and the different types of sculptures
Apply their knowledge and skills to create successful works of art
Develop familiarity with sculpture terminology and its various forms
Differentiate between 2D and 3D artistic expressions while applying acquired skills to create compelling artworks.